How do I do it better?

Every day when I wake up, the first thing I do is make a pot of coffee. I take my morning meds and then ask ONE simple question. How do I do it better?
Whether yesterday was a success or a failure, it does not change the fact that I need to deal with today. So, I think of things that I could do differently; things to be more successful; and ways to think outside the box to accomplish the goals I have set.
If I am unable to think of anything new, I continue to do the same things. If I think of something new, I try that.
That philosophy gives me the impetus to get through the day, and at the end of the day, I can evaluate the value of that effort.
Depending on others to achieve goals is a recipe for disaster as the only thing that people actually control is their own behavior. There is nothing wrong with asking for assistance from others. If it happens, it is GREAT! If it does not happen, life continues.
We all experience good days, bad day and days where there a felling of frustration and despair. That does not change the fact that you will awake the next day and have to do it again.
Life is really about luck. Being in the right place at the right time or contacting the right person at the right time is the key to success. Each day offers the opportunity to be “lucky.”
There will be prolonged periods where nothing seems to work, but beginning each day with this question offers the challenge to get through it.
There will be prolonged periods where nothing goes right. That leads to frustration which is okay. It is when the frustration leads to depression and then progresses t despair that the problems begin.
Waking up every day and asking that simple questions give a new challenge to overcome every single day. True strength comes from within, so stoke the flames every day to keep the motor running full bore.
Stephen King’s first novel was not published for five years. His wife had to recover the manuscript from the wastebasket. His first novel was CARRIE, which kickstarted a long and successful career.
When the “luck” finally comes, be in a place where it can be received. IT WILL COME

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