The Red Line

There are people who call the protests on college campuses across the nation “peaceful,” which bodes the question of their definition of the word. A peaceful demonstration is one where the protestors get to have their view on an issue heard without disrupting the ability of others to move about freely.

The United States Supreme Court has, unequivocally, made it clear that Speech is fully protected by the Constitution. It has been just as clear that Conduct is NOT protected. Blocking a street preventing traffic from flowing, or blocking the entrance to a building is Conduct, not Speech. It is therefore not protected.

The response of many of the Colleges ivenis reminiscent of the 1960’s riot response where the National Guard patrolled in military armored vehicles, but no ammunition in their weapons. The “all bark, no bite” approach did not work then and does not work now. A law enforcement presence who are doing nothing but watching will have no impact on the demonstrators because there is no fear of consequences. Schools like Ohio State University, Indiana University and the University of Geogia have responded decisively, and their campuses are now back to somewhat normal. The University of Southern California has been forced to cancel their commencement, depriving thousands of students of their opportunity to celebrate their hard work and commitment. On the other side, Columbia University in New York has set, then ignored, deadlines and made threats of reprisal without taking any action.
The right to express oneself is an absolute right, but the right to impose beliefs on others by intimidation and threats is not what this country is about. Protestors who occupy buildings should be given multiple opportunities to leave and then the building should be taken back by whatever force is necessary and reasonable.
Until we reach a point where actions actually have real consequences, there will be anarchy.

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