The Ultimate Goal

There is a multi-level approach to the dismantling of the United States government system. In order to accomplish this goal, the protection level must be destroyed.
It begins with making each in-custody death appear to be improper and overzealous. The George Floyd case and conviction were intended to send a message to cops that they will be next. They are also using other deaths at the hands of police to confuse the general public into believing that the Police are not their friend. They demand that the officers involved in Breanna Taylor, Tyre King, Adam Toledo, Tamir Rice, and Ma’Khia Bryant be criminally charged even though they have already been investigated by state and federal agencies. They want the charges upgraded to Murder in the death of Dante Wright in an attempt to intimidate police officers across the country.
The second stage of the attack is going after QUALIFIED IMMUNITY which has been provided to officers for decades to protect them when they perform the duties of a law enforcement officer. Qualified Immunity only applies to civil actions and has never applied to criminal conduct.
There is a legal term called “deep pocket theory” which seeks to work the way up the ladder to an entity with the most financial resources. By making individual officers personally liable, it is believed that officers with leave police agencies in droves in order to protect their family from the potential of financial ruin.
The real problem is that this effort reaches all of the way to the White House, with support from both the President and Vice President as well as the leadership of the House and Senate.
The hiring process for urban law enforcement agencies takes up to six months. They no longer take the best of the best as there are race and gender quotas to rectify past inequities. The training portion can take up to another year at which time the new hire receives the protection of Civil Service and a union. It now becomes difficult to fire an employee for misconduct due to binding arbitration where an arbitrator determines the fate of the employee.
People need to identify what they want their world to look like. Is it one that is run from Washington, D.C. or one that is locally controlled?

Posted in Back the Blue.