George Floyd

George Floyd did not deserve to die in the manner that he did and his death was the result of a criminal act by a Minneapolis Police Officer. That said, his death was not worthy of all five major networks covering every minute of the services in his behalf. There has never been national coverage of the death of a law enforcement officer and each died in service of their community. Just like Mr. Floyd, each officer had family and friends grieving for them and this just goes to show the inherent bias of the media.

The law enforcement community immediately and rightly came out in unison to decry and denounce the acts of the Minneapolis cop, but where is the outcry in the African-American community when a cop is murdered by an African-American.

The fact is that the number of African-Americans killed by police pales in the number of police officers killed by African-Americans. BLACK LIVES do MATTER to police officers as they witness the black-on-black violence on a daily basis.

Where is the outrage at the carnage in Chicago, IL every weekend? Where is the outrage at the senseless killing of a retired Atlanta, GA police captain who was working security at a store which was looted?

Where is the outrage at the killing of an unarmed white woman by a Somalia born police officer in an alleyway after SHE called 9-1-1?

The names and faces of black males who have died supposedly at the hands of police appear on the screens of network news. Let’s take a closer look:

Travon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman, who was a neighborhood watch never affiliated with any law enforcement agency.

Walter Scott was brutally murdered by a North Charleston, SC police officer now serving a life sentence in a Federal Prison

Michael Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson, Mo. Police officer. The officer was exonerated after the Attorney General of the United States sent in fifty federal agents to prove the officer violated Brown’s Civil Rights.

Breonna Taylor was shot and killed in a tragic mistake when Louisville, Ky. served a no-knock search warrant on the wrong house. The fact that her boyfriend fired the first shot(s) at the cops has been largely ignored by the media.

Ahmaud Arbery, 25 was shot and killed by the son of a former investigator for a Georgia Prosecutors Office after the two chased him down a street, Both have been charged with Murder as has the man who captured it on video.

(Originally published 6/12/2020)

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