Is there something wrong with our priorities?

A helicopter crash tragically takes the lives of nine people and the national news spends countless hours covering the story. Not because of the loss of lives, but because a retired professional basketball player was onboard. A police officer dies protecting the life of someone they do not know and the national news coverage is measured in seconds, if at all.
This is not to diminish the life of Koby Bryant whose accomplishments inside and outside of basketball were legendary, but Mister Bryant never risked his life in service of others. Thousands appeared outside of the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California to mourn the loss of a basketball player, but you will not find thousands outside of a police station to mourn the loss of the officer. That is a national disgrace.
Is the value of a person who provides entertainment more valuable than a person who protects the lives and property of people every day of their working lives? That is a question every person should be asking themselves.
Law enforcement officers and public safety professionals stand in awe of people lining the streets of the funeral procession, but the numbers pale when matched against a celebrity or sports personality.
Something to consider.

Posted in Back the Blue, Blue Lives Matter.